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Awards that I've won!
Hi! I have won some of these in quizes and another site is sending me an award so be patient. K! See yah!

I won this in the first part of a quiz. (^.^)
This came from the second part of the Sailor Moon Award.

This is the Senshi Award (Yes another quiz)
The Villian Award (kind of easy)(sigh).

Whose Line Award (Easy) (again sigh).
Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95
Musical Award
This one was hard to me because I never bought any of the Sailor Moon Sound Tracks.
Win An Award!
Enter to win an award like the ones on the top. Just answer a small question: Who was Saturns cousin and best friend on the Saturn Kingdom? Now if you read the story called "The Unknown Sailor Scouts" this should be a no brainer. But if you haven't then what are you waiting for. Go to read it at Now if you're smart you should know that since the link there doesn't work so you need to copy and paste it. Now don't be lazy it's not like it requires so much energy. So what are you waiting for? Go to it and win! Hope to read your email with the answer. You can't lose really!

Digi Lilly Award