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Chrono Cross Fan Fic
Chrono Cross
Quest 2

As you may already know by now Chrono Cross is about a young teenager named Serge who accidently winds up in a huge time problem. While he was on the beach with his “girlfriend” he suddenly disappears into another world. In this second world he meets up with a bunch of characters that either join him because of a problem that they have or some for curiosity. But most of them joined him for what they stood to claim.
Now as you may know they went on an exciting mission together and defeated many enemies such as Lynx, Dark Serge and FATE which ended up being the same person at the end. Then you discover that the dragons that Serge was helping were lieing to Serge and ended up turning their backs on him. Then during that Serge discovered that there are not only seven dragons but that the seventh dragon is no one but the mysterious moon powering Harle that is deeply in love with Serge.
So then they go off and defeat the Dragon God and then finally Lavos. Now they may have thought that life would just go back to it’s regular routine… but they were wrong.


So here’s the up date on what’s been happening:
Now you may be wondering what happened to Janice the monster trainer. Well lets just say that she became quite a traveler. She now is wandering the world for great monsters so that she could be the ultimate trainer. But not only did she find herself great monsters she found herself a great partner… Sprigg! Yes Sprigg. Sprigg decided that she doesn’t want to be alone anymore. Since she is kind of old and her and Janice do have something in common they decided that they would work together.

Now Guile well that’s a different story. You see he ended up staying in Termina. He now lives all by himself. He sits in the bar every day trying to return to the same routine but then he always realizes that nothing will ever be the same. The journey that he had along with Serge and the others was so much fun. Every day when he woke up he would wake up into an adventure. Even though he might have died in battle he didn’t care. Now he’s just afraid he might die of boredom. ‘That’s not the way to live.’ Sometimes he thinks that joining Serge did him more harm then good. I mean he never realized what would happen after this all was done. I guess not. He was having the best adventure of a lifetime. But then he also remembers that he did help in saving the world and everyone will remember all of them for that. Even if they don’t remember, deep down inside he does…


Now Neo Fio, Draggy, and Starky all joined Razzly on a hunt to find their parents and to help get Starky back to his planet. Now you may be wondering why Razzly would be helping them. Well the answers simple. She is traveling the world trying to see brand new things. So she decided to help the three. But she also didn’t have anything better to do with her time. She was so used to traveling so she decided to travel around the world and fight monsters while helping other people.


Now this is something that you might have never saw but Steena and Karsh now are together and they travel the world. They train and well ever since Serge and the others split up Karsh and Steena decided that they would travel the world together. Romantic wise. They make a cute couple, non.
But the two were not planning on giving up on fighting and helping people just because Serge and everyone else were done with the mission and gone. So they just continue to fight and save peoples lives.


After this mission was done Serge lived up to his promise and returned Skelly to his family where he was able to see his family for the last time. Unfortunetly Serge found out that the only reason why Skelly was still “living” was because he wanted to see his family and friends for the last time. So as soon as they said their good bye’s he died for good. So they had a proper burial and Serge left.
Sometimes people even say that at night they can see a mysterious clown walking around the house. Some even have said that they have seen him fighting monsters or on a battlefield crumbling into pieces. But who knows if they could just be seeing Skelly before he died.


Right after Luccia had parted with everyone she decided to hang around with Pip trying to help her evolve. But Pip had her own plans which was to travel the oceans on the S.S. Invincible. So Luccia ended up making a lab/training center for Pip and all of her other creations. Pip also became one of Luccia’s helpers and a good one at that.


Okay so this is also a bit peculiar but Norris fell in love with a young woman named Orlah! Isn’t that weird. But hey they decided that they would help rebuild (together) Viper Manor. He also became one of Dario’s best generals right next to Zoah and Pierre! It is kind of weird but Pierre actually became what he always wanted… a general.
But they all still long for that adventure which they had not so long ago.


Now Marcy went to go live with her true family. Fargo and Nikki. They decided to help her remember the past which she had forgotten. They showed her pictures and recordings. She seems to be doing well but she still misses all the fighting and training that she had at Viper Manor and on that long mission she spent.
Nikki seems to be doing fine. His band, Radical Dreamers is making more money and concerts then ever. Also Nikki and Miki found an interest in each other and decided that they would start to go out.
Fargo is happier now. His daughter finally returned to him but he still wishes that he could do some fighting or a ghost ship would appear. Unfortunately that wont happen again. And he knows it but he still is grateful for what he has now. “I mean life isn’t always about adventure.”


Okay so if you’re a little bit curious to know what the heck happened to Greco, Sneff and Radius well they all decided that they had something in common so now they work together helping people. Least to say at least they’re not lonely anymore. And they are also trying to figure out a way to help Funguy return to his human form. It’s a tough job but like they say, somebody has to do it.

Continuation From Chapter I

Now Grobyc… there really is no hope for. Luccia thought that she should shut him down because he has these melt downs that tend to hurt a lot of people but Glenn thought otherwise. Glenn decided that Grobyc should work as a guard protecting and guarding the Sea of Eden so that no one can go past it. Ever since that Grobyc hasn’t had a melt down.
Also you must be wondering what happened to Glenn I mean he was an important character, right. Well I guess he has a thing for country girls because he ended up falling head over heals for Leena. Now the two are helping rebuild Viper Manor along with Dario and Lady Riddel. So how’s Riddel doing? Well she is living a happy life with her whole family especially Dario.


Van and his father sneaked and moved to Marbule where they started over with Irenes. Irenes was kind enough to give Van and his father a place to live and work. Though Van is happy he still wishes that he could be fighting alongside Serge and the others. He always sits at his window looking at the ocean wishing that he prove useful and worthy to them again.


Orcha, Mel, Korcha, and Macha returned to their home in Guldove. They all try to return to their old happy family ways but it just grows harder for them. Korcha always babbles on how he misses Kid. I mean after all he did propose to her at Termina which was very shocking. After all this was done she disappeared probably just to get away from him. Who knows. He just misses her like crazy because he pretty much is in love with her. They would have never expected anything like this to happen but I guess it was fate.


On some occasions Razzly tends to join up with Leah and the search for her father. It is a real shame that Leah still hasn’t found her father yet. Whenever Razzly isn’t there Leah tends to look in the jungle all by herself looking for her father. “I wish that we could go back on that adventure again. At least the I had company and I wasn’t lonely…”

  Part II on ChapterII


So now you’re curious to find out what happened to them now. Well it has been a year and Serge decided to revisit the beach where the whole thing started. Then Serge’s mother came by.
S. Mom: What are you thinking about, Serge?
S. Mom: Thinking about that journey and your friends right? It must be tough trying to go back to the way things were huh.
Serge: …
S. Mom: I know it’s hard but you had to let them go. You have to return back to the way things used to be. That is the only thing Schala asked for.
(S. Mom sits down on the sand)
S. Mom: I don’t expect you to talk to me but you will meet again. I promise you that…


The next day was the Arni festival of the moons and everyone prepared for they wanted it to be the best ever.
Serge: It’s been a year. I’ve made it through a year without having to think about it but it keeps haunting me.
Narrator: Suddenly a ghost like image of a little girl appeared.
Ghost: Serge. That was all I asked you for. There are good reasons for the way it has to be.
Serge: Do you know how hard it was saying good bye to them? Well of course you don’t.


Chapter III
A mysterious Girl at the Festival

Serge dressed into his regular clothes and headed off at night for the festival. It truly was the best out of all the others and some people from Termina even showed up. He hoped to see a familiar face but most people were wearing masks so it was hard to tell. So he decided to not wear one so his friends could notice him.
Serge (thinking): Oh great. This will just be another lonely festival I have to spend here.
Narrator: He then started looking around until he saw this person from behind that had a joker out fit. He then turned that person around and it was just a regular woman wearing a costume.
Serge: Oh… Sorry…
Narrator: He then saw a person with blonde hair.
Serge: Kid?
Narrator: Then he started to push people out of the way. He then grabbed the girl and turned her around. Again he was wrong.
Woman: What do you want!
Serge: I’m sorry I thought you were… someone else.
Narrator: Then someone grabbed Serge’s arm. Standing next to him was Leena.
Serge: Leena? What are you doing here. Glenn you too?
Leena: Well this is my home town I think I’m allowed to be here. (She then started to laugh.)
Glenn: She dragged me along for the ride.
Serge: It’s really nice seeing you again.
Leena & Glenn: Yeah. Me too.
From on a mountain near by a figure stood watching him. Then the person made a small laugh and disappeared.

Later on at the festival the three headed off to go get something to eat. Then they sat by the dance floor watching the people dance. Serge then turned his attention to the couple.
Serge: It is really nice seeing you here. And I thought I was going to spend it alone.
Glenn: Well we can visit sometimes but we’re also still rebuilding Viper Manor.
Serge: And how is that going?
Leena: Oh it is almost done—
Narrator: Then Glenn cut her off by elbowing her lightly to see something.
Glenn: Hey look over there at the dance floor. I’ve never seen anyone dance so beautifully in years. I’m surprised someone her age dances like that cause older people tend to know that way of dancing.
Leena: Oh true. She has a good chance of winning the dance award.
Glenn: Nah, you can see that she’s dancing for fun.
Leena: Or trying to get someone’s attention.
Narrator: Then she pointed to Serge who was just staring at the girl dance.

Glenn: No kidding.
(Glenn just stared at Serge giggling at him)
After the song was done the girl then sat by the three and she removed her mask closing her eyes. After she stopped rubbing her eyes she put the mask back on.
Serge then turned his attention to the couple again.
Glenn: Serge, why don’t you ask her to dance?
Narrator: Then Leena started to cheer urging him to ask.
Serge: I don’t know… I mean I really don’t dance that great like her.
Glenn: Come on.
Leena: Yeah before you miss your chance.
Serge: I don’t know.
Narrator: Suddenly the woman got up and passed by them. As she passed by them she starred at Serge with a grin and then walked away.
Glenn: Now that was weird.
Narrator: Serge then got up and went over to the young woman. He asked her to dance and they walked over to the dance floor. A slow song was playing. A song that he knew very well. As they were dancing he asked her a question…
Serge: What is your name? You seem very familiar to me.
Narrator: He then looked into her eyes looked down to her hand which had moon shapes.
Serge: Who are you?
Girl: You must never know.
Narrator: The song then finished and she let go of him and walked into the crowd. Then Glenn and Leena showed up behind him.
Glenn: What did you say?
Narrator: Serge then ran into the crowd trying to catch up with the girl. Then Leena slapped him across the head.
Glenn: What?

Chapter II

Chapter II
What Happens To Serge, Harle, and Kid?

Now what you all have been waiting for. You all must be so curious to find out what happened after that long adventure. Well without further delay here is a small glimpse in the past to see what happened to Serge, Harle, and Kid. Enjoy!

Narrator: All the other members had just said their good bye’s and left out of sight. Leaving Serge, Harle, and Kid alone.
Kid: So what are we going to do now, mate?
Narrator: They all put their heads down not baring to look at each other. Afraid this would be the last time they would see each other.
Kid: Well looky here. (she turns to Harle). For once Harle is quiet. How bizarre.
Narrator: Then Kid starts to laugh sarcastically.
Harle: I don’t find zis funny at all. Zis could be my last time seeing Monsieur Serge. Though maybe zis doesn’t have to be our last time seeing each other.
Narrator: Serge then looks at Harle with sad eyes.
Serge (thinking): What am I doing? I’ve killed so many. Injured a lot. How could I not see that the dragons were bad. It’s all my fault. I should have known. I mean—.
Harle (cuts him off): Serge stop! I understand zat you feel you’ve killed so many and you’re probably thinking zat it is all your fault zat the dragons were bad. But it is not! You have helped so many lives. Don’t you see zat?
Kid: What do you mean? Serge is this true, mate? Are ya actually thinkin that about yourself?
(Serge stays quiet)
Harle: Well of course he is. Look at his face. Don’t you see it.
Narrator: Kid then started to get mad.
Harle: What’s done is done. You cannot change zat.
Narrator: Then five minutes laterhe finally decideds to say something.
Serge: Does that mean this is goodbye?
(Harle then looks at him with a surprised look.)
Harle: I don’t know? Do you want it to be?
Serge: It might be best if we all returned to our regular lives. Everyone else is doing so. Maybe we should too. We’re all needed now, back where we came from. Our homes.
Narrator: Harle then held a tight fist.
Harle: Serge! Maybe some of us don’t have homes to go to! And I sacrificed the only company I had for you!
(Kid then looked to Harle in shock)
Serge: I am sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. But I think it is best.
Narrator: Then Kid and Serge said their final good bye’s as Harle stepped away and disappeared.
Kid: Serge… I have no place to go… no family to even come home to… I guess I will be returning to the Radical Dreamers.
Serge: I am sure we’ll meet again.
Narrator: Kid then ran off and didn’t look back. Then Serge went to go say good bye to Harle but she was gone.
Serge: Harle…


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After they got out of Arni village he caught up to her when she was at the beach. She stopped and turned to Serge.
Girl: What do you want? How long will you follow me.
Serge: To the end of the ocean if I must.
Narrator: The girl was in shock. No one had ever said that to her before.
Serge: Please just tell me your name. And what do you mean that I must never know. Who are you?
Girl: Good thing I don’t swim.
Serge (thinking): That voice.
Narrator: Then there was a huge black out where the planet turned pitch black for thirty seconds. Then when the light came back she was gone.
Serge: …


The next day Serge went for a walk to the beach and he decided to look for any signs of that girl. As he walked down the beach he noticed that the teleporter was still open. Serge wished that he could go through even if it was just one more time. But the he thought ‘ what if they decided to build something else at that spot then could it be dangerous?’ He decided to go along with the plan and he dug his hand into his pocket searching for the Astral Amulet. Finally he found it but…
Serge: There’s only half of the amulet!
Narrator: He then threw the amulet to the floor and it ended up working because he teleported to the other world.
Back at his home world a mysterious girl held the other half. Also meaning that she is not from that world.


Chapter IV
The Mysterious Girl and Kids return

Finally when Serge reached the other world he fell beside a young girl wearing a pink dress. He then got up and wiped his the sand off his pants. Then the girl turned around.
Girl: Hello there Serge.
Narrator: He then stopped wiping his pants and looked up very slowly.
Serge (thinking): Kid?
Kid: Hello there mate. How have yah been?
Serge: I… I… I’ve been fine.
Kid: Wow it’s been a year since I last saw yah and that’s all you can say? I’m fine.
Narrator: Serge then pulls out his Astral Amulet and looks down at it.
Serge: I am not supposed to be here. I just dropped this… this half! And suddenly I through it and I ended up here. (sigh) I would normally give this back to you so I could never return but… something weird happened yesterday… and—
Kid: Oh come on! Please! Are you tellin’ me that you ended up here totally by accident. So what’s up now Serge. What are you in trouble again! Are you gonna call everyone back so we can fight alongside you… and then at the end… you will leave us… all alone again… (She turns away from him). Do you know that most of us never had a family to go to. Most of us didn’t have a home to go to after the battle. Or some of us sacrificed it for you… But then again… I don’t think anyone will be willing to give that up again.
Narrator: Kid starts to walk away.
Kid: Good bye Serge…
Serge: Kid…
Narrator: He then throws the amulet over her which landed in front of her