Rinoa's Hollow
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Chrono Cross Fan Fics

Outlaw Star Fan Fics

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Favorite Links Page

Awards I've Won

Welcome To Rinoa's Hollow:

Hi! In this site I have a variety of pictures, mp3's and some clips of many different anime's. So sit back and relax. I hope you enjoy my website. And please don't steal any of my logo's or pictures and try to put it on your website. Please ask me first. Well enjoy!

Hi! As you should know by now I am Rinoa.

I am the creator of this website. I hoping that you will enjoy. Obviously my name is not Rinoa but I am apart of a club where that is my nickname. If you want to be apart of my club just contact me by email. K. Well enjoy this place anyway! Also you can get free email here if you click on a certain link. Don't worry you can't miss it. And it is located in the Contact Page. Okay!

Listing Site Updates
An update! Just in case your wondering I really need you to start sending some of your fan art and fan fics.
Another update! I built an advertisement site so there will be more visitors. The advertisement is at http://www.geocities.com/clowreadsgd/CelestialAngelOfTime.html
Join the Club!
If anyone wants to join a club this is a pretty cool one. I'll email you any new pics and songs that I get. Also if you like a specific anime then I'll send you special pictures and clips. If you want to join just email me at: clowreadsgd@yahoo.com

Notifying Visitors
Please if you want to send me some of your stuff I would be glad to put it on here. But if I am notified that you have stolen the pictures I will remove it. Also please don't steal any of the pictures I have here. Also if you have any fan art please send it to me for the fan art contest. Also check this out.

My Corkboard

Send an email

Fan Art contest
This place needs a little fan support so why don't you send in your drawings. Even if your drawing doesn't win 1 st place the three second best will be posted on this site for a month. The first prize winner will get a prize depending on the anime drawing. No tracing! And no copying! You need to put any real anime character in you own type of design. Character must look the closest like the anime character you chose. Send it in with the name of the character. You have from_. Sorry but there is no more dates. Just send them in when you have the time.
So start drawing and sending in your drawings! Good Luck!

E-mail me one of you fav. pics and if your's is the best of the week your pic will be posted on my web site for a week.
Email me