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Villians of Record of Lodoss War
THis is where you will find all the evil villians of Record of Lodoss war. Don't mind the evil^ on the top I mean that's why villians are villians. Tee hee. Don't mind me.

Evil Elf
This is one of my fav pics of her. >>>>
Evil Elf
I think she's upset. Ha ha...
Evil Elf
Shhhhhhhhh! She's concentrating...
Last pic of Evil Elf
Is she always upset? (Don't mind me I was bored when I wrote this.)
Group pic
This is a better picture then the witch one that I put before this. You can see her pic in the Other picture gallery. But these two are so cute together. Also I ran out of space so that is why I changed it.
Evil Group pic...
Is it me but do those two make an extremely cute couple. Right?
Group pic...
Those two are so cute together. You see... Well I removed the evil witch's picture so I coul put a pic of them. It's the first group pic of them.